• Enhance comfort and control

  • Reduce uncertainty and work with confidence

  • Streamline your processes and boost your efficiency

  • Recruit and retain your staff more easily

  • Stay one step ahead of your peers

The perfect match between your skills and digital for the well-being of patients

Your job as a CPO is very demanding, work more serenely

Did you see our latest webinar?

The best way to learn about femoral sockets with Vytruve!

English Webinar 🇬🇧

French Webinar🇫🇷

VYTRUVE - Your complete 3D digital workshop

Trans-tibial (BK), trans-femoral (AK), upper limb and more

  • 3D-scan in color with all shape details

  • Rectify digitally with no specific 3D competencies

  • 3D-print a transparent, heat-modifiable check socket & order components

  • Fit your patient, make required adjustments, then transfer digitally the shape & alignment

  • Order a lightweight & flexible 3D definitive socket

  • Keep track of volumes & sockets evolution

Manufacture a definitive socket from A to Z with Vytruve, or only digitize

some steps and keep your manual expertise for others

Hardware, software and 3D-printing - all in one solution, yet open!

3D-scanning hardware for precision casting, with all scanning accessories for lower-limb and upper-limb.

Compatible with a high-variety of 3D-scanners

Vytruve software suite, allowing to 3D-scan easily, manage patient devices and rectify for above-knee, below-knee, upper-limb amputations.

3D-printing as as service, or investment in Vytruve 3D-printing solution

Autonomous 3D-printing on own equipment also possible

VYTRUVE software - The only O&P productivity software

    • Record and compare changes in stump volume

    • Download and share clinical examination report

    • Evaluate need for a 3D-custom line

    • Color 3D-scanning, allowing to mark directly on skin or liner the clinical information

    • 3D-scan visible all along the rectification process

    • Reduce global pourcentages or by sections

    • Scoop and recharge

    • Determine your trimelines

    • and more...

    • True digital alignment table allowing to position precisely the socket in each directions

    • 180+ feet and knee from the markets 3D-scanned with their actual size and recommended alignment

    • Compatible with all types of suspension systems (vacum, distal lock, BOA, seal-in…)

    • Easy order of components with socket for shortened delay

    • Re-usable 4-hole plate with pyramid system

    • Service of socket digitization, allowing to copy inner shape and alignment (patented)

    • Allows to keep library of shapes, digitally

    • Vytruve patented scanning tool for above-knee amputation, allowing for true ischium identification

    • 3D-scanning with patient in load within tool

    • Adjustable length and width

Checks and definitives sockets for :

  • Below knee (trans-tibial)

  • Above Knee (trans-femoral)

  • Upper-limb (transradial)

  • Chopart, lisfranc, Helical elbow orthosis….

O&P product range

They work with Vytruve, get started as well !

  • 90+ systems installed

  • 20 countries

  • 300 CPOs trained

  • 4100 3D printed sockets

  • 12+ socket / month / customer*

*for top 20% customers

VYTRUVE recommended hardware

Learn more about VYTRUVE Hardware